E. coli Reconstruction Files
Current News:
We have published an updated and expanded reconstruction for E. coli that should enable a broader scope of analyses:
Feist, A.M., Henry, C.S., Reed, J.L., Krummenacker, M., Joyce, A.R., Karp, P.D., Broadbelt, L.J., Hatzimanikatis, V., Palsson, B.Ø. "A genome-scale metabolic reconstruction for Escherichia coli K-12 MG1655 that accounts for 1260 ORFs and thermodynamic information" Molecular Systems Biology 3:121 (2007)
Information is available as supplementary data on the journal website and additional expanded files are provided below.
We have the following information available:
E. coli Metabolic Reactions (Excel and GAMS)
To suggest an update to iAF1260:
Please make a note in this google document, including a PubMed ID if available. (GOOGLE DOC NOT WORKING)
If you have further questions about a computational modeling of E. coli:
please email us at afeist@ucsd.edu.