Visiting Scholar
Research Emphasis

MD, UCSD 2009
PhD, Bioengineering, UCSD 2008
MS, Bioengineering, UCSD 2000
BS, Bioengineering, UCSD 1998
Select publications
Jamshidi, N. and Palsson, B.Ø., Mass action stoichiometric simulation models: incorporating kinetics and regulation into stoichiometric models, Biophysical Journal 98(2):175-85 (2010).
Jamshidi, N, Palsson, B.Ø., Flux-concentration duality in dynamic nonequilibrium biological networks, Biophysical Journal, 97(5):L11-3 (2009).
Jamshidi, N. and Palsson, B.Ø., Using in silico models to simulate dual perturbation experiments: procedure development and interpretation of outcomes, BMC Systems Biology 3:44 (2009).
Jamshidi, N. and Palsson, B.Ø., Top-Down Analysis of Temporal Hierarchy in Biochemical Reaction Networks, PLoS Computational Biology, 4(9): e1000177. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1000177 (2008).
Jamshidi, N. and Palsson, B.Ø., Formulating genome-scale kinetic models in the post-genome era, Molecular Systems Biology 4:171 (2008).
Jamshidi, N, Palsson, B.Ø., Investigating the Metabolic Capabilities of Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv Using the in silico Strain iNJ661 and Proposing Alternative Drug Targets., BMC Systems Biology, 1:26 (2007).
Duarte, N.D., Becker, S.A., Jamshidi, N., Thiele, I., Mo, M.L., Vo, T.D., Srivas, R., Palsson, B.Ø., Global reconstruction of the human metabolic network based on genomic and bibliomic data, Proc Natl Acad. Sci U S A, 104(6):1777-82 (2007).
Jamshidi, N., Palsson, B.Ø., Systems biology of SNPs," Molecular Systems Biology 2 doi:10.1038/msb4100077 (2006).
Jamshidi, N., Wiback, S.J., and Palsson, B.Ø., ''In Silico'' Model-Driven Assessment of the Effects of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) on Human Red Blood Cell Metabolism", Genome Research, 12: pp. 1687-1692 (2002).
Contact Information
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Phone: (858) 822-3181
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