Publication Title Authors Publication Year Sort ascending
Pangenome mining of the Streptomyces genus redefines species' biosynthetic potential

Mohite OS, Jørgensen TS, Booth TJ, Charusanti P, Phaneuf PV, Weber T, Palsson BO

Modulating bacterial function utilizing A knowledge base of transcriptional regulatory modules

Shin J, Zielinski DC, Palsson BO

Reconstructing the transcriptional regulatory network of probiotic L. reuteri is enabled by transcriptomics and machine learning

Josephs-Spaulding J, Rajput A, Hefner Y, Szubin R, Balasubramanian A, Li G, Zielinski DC, Jahn L, Sommer M, Phaneuf P, Palsson BO.

Machine-Learning Analysis of Streptomyces coelicolor Transcriptomes Reveals a Transcription Regulatory Network Encompassing Biosynthetic Gene Clusters

Lee Y, Choe D, Palsson BO, Cho BK.

Unified computing framework of Escherichia coli metabolism, gene expression, and stress responses

Zhao J, Chen K, Palsson BO, Yang L.

Machine learning reveals the transcriptional regulatory network and circadian dynamics of Synechococcus elongatusPCC 7942

Yuan Y, Al Bulushi T, Sastry AV, Sancar C, Szubin R, Golden SS, Palsson BO.

Advancing the scale of synthetic biology via cross-species transfer of cellular functions enabled by iModulon engraftment

Choe D, Olson CA, Szubin R, Yang H, Sung J, Feist AM, Palsson BO

Genome-scale models in human metabologenomics

Mardinoglu A, Palsson BØ

Reduction-to-synthesis: the dominant approach to genome-scale synthetic biology

Kim K, Choe D, Cho S, Palsson B, Cho BK.

CyuR is a dual regulator for L-cysteine dependent antimicrobial resistance in Escherichia coli

Rodionova IA, Lim HG, Gao Y, Rodionov DA, Hutchison Y, Szubin R, Dalldorf C, Monk J, Palsson BO

Serial adaptive laboratory evolution enhances mixed carbon metabolic capacity of Escherichia coli

Kim K, Choe D, Kang M, Cho SH, Cho S, Jeong KJ, Palsson B, Cho BK

A genome-scale metabolic model of a globally disseminated hyperinvasive M1 strain of Streptococcus pyogenes

Hirose Y, Zielinski DC, Poudel S, Rychel K, Baker JL, Toya Y, Yamaguchi M, Heinken A, Thiele I, Kawabata S, Palsson BO, Nizet V.

Grand Challenges at the Interface of Engineering and Medicine

Subramaniam S, Akay M, Anastasio MA, Bailey V, Boas D, Bonato P, Chilkoti A, Cochran JR, Colvin V, Desai TA, Duncan JS, Epstein FH, Fraley S, Giachelli C, Grande-Allen KJ, Green J, Guo XE, Hilton IB, Humphrey JD, Johnson CR, Karniadakis G, King MR, Kirsch RF, Kumar S, Laurencin CT, Li S, Lieber RL, Lovell N, Mali P, Margulies SS, Meaney DF, Ogle B, Palsson B, A Peppas N, Perreault EJ, Rabbitt R, Setton LA, Shea LD, Shroff SG, Shung K, Tolias AS, van der Meulen MCH, Varghese S, Vunjak-Novakovic G, White JA, Winslow R, Zhang J, Zhang K, Zukoski C, Miller MI.

Diagnosis and mitigation of the systemic impact of genome reduction in Escherichia coli DGF-298

Champie A, Lachance J-C, Sastry A, Matteau D, Lloyd CJ, Grenier F, Lamoureux CR, Jeanneau S, Feist AM, Jacques P-É, Palsson BO, Rodrigue S.

Bottom-up parameterization of enzyme rate constants: Reconciling inconsistent data

Daniel C. Zielinski, Marta R.A. Matos, James E. de Bree, Kevin Glass, Nikolaus Sonnenschein, Bernhard O. Palsson

iModulonMiner and PyModulon: Software for unsupervised mining of gene expression compendia.

Sastry AV, Yuan Y, Poudel S, Rychel K, Yoo R, Lamoureux CR, Li G, Burrows JT, Chauhan S, Haiman ZB, Al Bulushi T, Seif Y, Palsson BO, Zielinski DC.

BGCFlow: systematic pangenome workflow for the analysis of biosynthetic gene clusters across large genomic datasets

Nuhamunada M, Mohite OS, Phaneuf PV, Palsson BO, Weber T.

iModulonDB 2.0: dynamic tools to facilitate knowledge-mining and user-enabled analyses of curated transcriptomic datasets

Catoiu EA, Krishnan J, Li G, Lou XA, Rychel K, Yuan Y, Bajpe H, Patel A, Choe D, Shin J, Burrows J, Phaneuf PV, Zielinski DC, Palsson BO.

Escherichia coli non-coding regulatory regions are highly conserved

Lamoureux CR, Phaneuf PV, Palsson BO, Zielinski DC.

Diversity of transcriptional regulatory adaptation in E. coli

Dalldorf C, Hefner Y, Szubin R, Johnsen J, Mohamed E, Li G, Krishnan J, Feist AM, Palsson BO, Zielinski DC

Deciphering Nutritional Stress Responses via Knowledge-Enriched Transcriptomics for Microbial Engineering

Shin J, Zielinski DC, Palsson BO.

PanKB: An interactive microbial pangenome knowledgebase for research, biotechnological innovation, and knowledge mining

Sun B, Pashkova L, Pieters PA, Harke AS, Mohite OS, Santos A, Zielinski DC, Palsson BO, Phaneuf PV

The hallmarks of a tradeoff in transcriptomes that balances stress and growth functions

Dalldorf C, Rychel K, Szubin R, Hefner Y, Patel A, Zielinski DC, Palsson BO.

Revealing systematic changes in the transcriptome during the transition from exponential growth to stationary phase.

Lim HG, Gao Y, Rychel K, Lamoureux C, Lou XA, Palsson BO.

Experimental promoter identification of a foodborne pathogen Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Typhimurium with near single base-pair resolution

Lee, S.M., Le, H.T., Taizhanova, A., Nong, L.K., Park, J.Y., Lee, E.J., Palsson, B.O., Kim, D.

Proteome allocation is linked to transcriptional regulation through a modularized transcriptome

Patel A, McGrosso D, Hefner Y, Campeau A, Sastry AV, Maurya S, Rychel K, Gonzalez DJ, Palsson BO.

Decomposition of the pangenome matrix reveals a structure in gene distribution in the Escherichia coli species

Chauhan SM, Ardalani O, Hyun JC, Monk JM, Phaneuf PV, Palsson BO.

Independent component analysis reveals 49 independently modulated gene sets within the global transcriptional regulatory architecture of multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii.

Menon ND, Poudel S, Sastry AV, Rychel K, Szubin R, Dillon N, Tsunemoto H, Hirose Y, Nair BG, Kumar GB, Palsson BO, Nizet V.

A treasure trove of 1034 actinomycete genomes

Jørgensen TS, Mohite OS, Sterndorff EB, Alvarez-Arevalo M, Blin K, Booth TJ, Charusanti P, Faurdal D, Hansen TØ, Nuhamunada M, Mourched AS, Palsson BØ, Weber T.

A data-driven approach for timescale decomposition of biochemical reaction networks

Akbari A, Haiman ZB, Palsson BO