We have the following information available:
Vo, T.D. and Palsson, B.Ø., Isotopomer analysis of myocardial substrate metabolism: A systems biology approach, Biotechnology and Bioengineering, in press.
- Supplemental data 1: Figures
- Supplemental data 2: Bidirectional reaction fluxes
- Supplemental data 3: Reaction list and estimated fluxes
Information pertaining to the use of isotopomer data in constraint-based modeling.
- Isotopomer mapping matrix construction, Isotopomer balance equation formulation, Criteria for tracking bidirectional fluxes, and List of metabolites
- Stoichiometric matrix (MATLAB mat file), Reaction limits (MATLAB M file), Atom mapping matrices (MATLAB M file), Isotopomer mapping matrices
If you have any questions about any of the materials posted here, please email us at tvo@bioeng.ucsd.edu