UCSD Systems Biology Photo Gallery I

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Pizza Party with the lab - 11/17/07



Woolley Award Reception for SBRG Grad Student Adam Feist 


Dr. Palsson and Douglas Kell at the ICSB meeting in Yokohama


Dr. Palsson's election to the National Academy of Engineering


Christiane Honisch, the first author of the Genome Res paper with the 7% finished sequence of 30+ E. coli strains (Dec '04)


 June '05 visit to Sang Yup Lee's lab at KAIST in Korea


 Drs. Goodacre, Oresic, Rima, Sumner, Palsson, and Tomita at Isagoya Inn, Japan (Jun '05)


 Pictures from our lab retreat at Lake Arrowhead (Jun '05)





Pictures from our May '05 lab party at Neema's